Page 552 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 552

The submucosa (3) is a wide layer of moderately dense irregular connective

               tissue with some adipose tissue (12). The mucous acini of esophageal glands
               proper (2)  are  in  the  submucosa  (3)  at  intervals  throughout  the  length  of  the
               esophagus.  The  excretory  ducts  (10)  of  these  glands  (2)  pass  through  the
               muscularis mucosae (1c) and the lamina propria (1b) to open into the esophageal
               lumen.  The  dark-staining  ductal  epithelium  of  the  glands  merges  with  the

               stratified  squamous  surface  epithelium  (1a)  of  the  esophagus  (see  Fig.  14.3).
               Numerous blood vessels (11) are found in the submucosa (3).

                   Located  inferior  to  the  submucosa  (3)  is  the  muscularis  externa  (4),
               composed of two muscle layers, an inner circular muscle layer (4a) and the

               outer  longitudinal  muscle  layer  (4b),  whose  muscle  fibers  are  shown  here
               sectioned  in  a  transverse  plane.  A  thin  layer  of  connective  tissue  (13)  lies
               between the inner circular muscle layer (4a) and the outer longitudinal muscle
               layer (4b).

                   In humans, the muscularis externa (4) in the upper third of the esophagus

               consists of striated skeletal muscles. In the middle third of the esophagus, the
               inner circular layer (4a) and the outer longitudinal layer (4b) exhibit a mixture of
               both  smooth  muscle  and  skeletal  muscle  fibers.  In  the  lower  third  of  the

               esophagus, only smooth muscle is present.

                   The adventitia (5)  consists  of  a  loose  connective  tissue  layer  that  blends
               with the adventitia of the trachea and the surrounding structures. Adipose tissue
               (14), large blood vessels, an artery and a vein (15), and nerve fibers (6) are
               numerous in the connective tissue of the adventitia (5).

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