Page 555 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 555


               FIGURE 14.4 ■ Lower esophagus (transverse section). Stain: hematoxylin and
               eosin. Low magnification.

               FIGURE  14.5  |  Upper  Esophagus:  Mucosa  and

               Submucosa (Longitudinal Section)

               This higher-magnification illustration of the upper esophagus has been sectioned
               longitudinally to show a different perspective. The smooth muscle fibers of the

               muscularis mucosae (9) exhibit a longitudinal orientation, and the fibers of the
               inner circular muscle layer are cut in a transverse section.

                   The  esophagus  is  lined  with  a  stratified  squamous  epithelium  (7).  The
               connective  tissue  lamina  propria  (8)  contains  numerous  blood  vessels,

               aggregates  of  lymphocytes,  and  a  small  lymphatic  nodule  (2).  Connective
               tissue papillae (1) from the lamina propria (8) indent the surface epithelium (7).
               The muscularis mucosae (9) is illustrated as bundles of smooth muscle fibers
               sectioned in a longitudinal plane.

                   The  underlying  submucosa (3, 10)  contains  mucous  acini  of  esophageal

               glands proper (4). Small excretory ducts (11) from these glands (4), lined with
               a  simple  epithelium,  join  the  larger  excretory  ducts  with  stratified  epithelium.
               One of the excretory ducts joins the stratified squamous epithelium (7) of the

               esophageal lumen. In the submucosa (3, 10) are blood vessels (12), nerves (5),
               and adipose cells (6).

                   The inner circular muscle layer (13 in the muscularis externa) consists of
               skeletal muscle that is illustrated in a transverse plane at the bottom of the figure.

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