Page 94 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 94

Nuclear  pores  control  the  transport  of  macromolecules  between  the

                 nucleus  and  the  cytoplasm.  The  nuclear  pore  membrane,  like  other  cell
                 membranes,  shows  selective  permeability.  As  a  result,  some  of  the  larger
                 molecules travel through the pores via an active transport mechanism.

               FIGURE 2.9 | Mitochondria

               A  high-magnification  electron  micrograph  illustrates  the  ultrastructure  of
               mitochondria (1, 4) in a longitudinal section (1) and in cross section (4). Note
               that  the  mitochondria  (1,  4)  also  exhibit  two  membranes.  The  outer

               mitochondrial membrane (5, 9) is smooth and surrounds the entire organelle.
               The inner mitochondrial membrane is highly folded, surrounds the matrix of the
               mitochondria,  and  projects  inward  into  the  organelle  to  form  the  numerous,
               shelflike  cristae  (6).  Some  mitochondrial  matrix  may  contain  dense-staining

               granules. Also visible in the cytoplasm (8) of the cell are variously sized, light-
               staining vacuoles (7), a section of rough endoplasmic reticulum (2), and free
               ribosomes (3). This type of mitochondria with shelflike cristae (6) is normally
               found in protein-secreting cells and muscle cells.

               FIGURE 2.9 ■ Mitochondria (longitudinal and cross section). ×49,500.

               FIGURE 2.10 | Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

               A  high-magnification  electron  micrograph  illustrates  the  components  of  the

               rough  endoplasmic  reticulum  (3)  in  the  cytoplasm  of  a  cell.  It  consists  of
               stacked  layers  of  membranous  cavities  called  cisternae  (3).  In  the  rough
               endoplasmic  reticulum,  ribosomes  are  attached  to  the  outer  surface  of  the

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