Page 203 - Maxwell House
P. 203


                                             ∆  (−)
                                     =    sin  ⎫
                                           2        ⎪
                                             ∆  (−)
                                     =   sin
                                           2        ⎬
                                     =  =  =  = 0     ⎭
            Figure 4.3.2 displays the plot (transparent 3D toroid (donut)) called a radiation pattern of short
            dipole that shows the  magnitude of   -  or   -component  as  a function of the spherical
                                                       coordinates  and  according to (4.68).
                                                       Such kind of volume patterns are not
                                                       very practical due to their complexity
                                                       and relatively low informativity. In
                                                       common, they are suitable for the
                                                       radiation  visualization  of  simple
                                                       antennas with reasonably wide patterns.
                                                       The 2D slice-patterns through the 3D
                                                       plot are shown as the green in YZ-plane,
                                                       blue in XZ-plane and black in XY-plane
                                                       (see  Figure 4.3.2) and more preferable
                                                       and practical for analysis. Note that the
                  Figure 4.3.2 Dipole radiation pattern   black 2D pattern is pulled down to make
                                                       the drawing more clear.
            There are several noteworthy facts about the short dipole far-field radiation pattern:

            1.  Only two orthogonal components of EM fields are left, one electric   and one magnetic
                 (compare to 4.3.1b). The radial component   becomes so insignificant that it can be
               neglected in far-field area.
            2.  Both non-zero components are tangential to the radiation spherical phase and magnitude
               waveform and thus represent the transverse wave propagating in the radial direction.
            3.  There is no radiation at all along  the  z-axis,  which  would correspond to the radiation
               directly overhead the dipole. The radiation is maximum in XY-plane called a horizontal /
               azimuthal plane and independent on -coordinate measured off the x-axis in XY-plane.
               Such kind of omnidirectional pattern are typical for the broadcast transmit antennas since
               their customers’ receivers can be in any spot around antenna. Note that any reference plane
               parallel to XY-plane contains  -component only. That is why the patterns in such planes
               are customary called H-plane patterns.
            4.  The patterns in XZ- or YZ-plane customary called vertical / elevation planes depend on -
               coordinate measured off the  z-axis, is  bi-directional  and have a very distinctive shape
               reminiscing the infinity symbol ∞ or lying figure 8. Note that any reference plane parallel
               to XZ- or YZ-plane and passing through the dipole contains the electric component   only.
               That is why the patterns in such planes are customary called E-plane patterns.
            5.  As expected and according to (4.68) Poynting’s vector of the harmonic wave radiated by
               the dipole points out the radial direction and equals to

                                                                   2  2
                               1                                    ∆  sin 
                              = (  ) × �  � =    ⁄ =  �  �              (4.69)
                               2  0    0    0      0  2√2  0   2
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