Page 143 - Mystery Shop Game 1 - Sun. Sept. 24, 2017
P. 143

dvance Ticket Office                    This  2017   2016   Variance
                                        Shop  Y-T-D  Final  to 2016
                                        3.00  3.00   3.19   (0.19)
mples may include: Can you buy          3.25         3.44   (0.19)
  day’s game? (Do not base your         3.25  3.25
  cket Office inside #6)                3.25  3.25 3.31 (0.06)
  anner and the new seat location       3.25
                                        3.25  3.00 3.25 (0.25)
  professionalism when asked about      3.00  3.25 3.25 0.00
                                        3.25  3.25 3.30 (0.05)
  when asked about individual game      3.25
 c.)                                          3.25 3.21 0.04
 s to buy tickets on the Ticket page.   3.25
  Did you have any problems in the            3.00 3.13 (0.13)
 ator?                                  2.75
  code from your phone. Did the               3.25 3.13 0.13
 olution tables to reprint a lost seat
 other guest (outside at the Gate A           3.25 3.25 0.00
 please rate the experience and the
                                              3.25 3.29     -

                                              2.75 3.00     -

sing future season tickets or a suite   3.25  3.25 3.00     -

               Overall score            3.15 3.15 3.21 (0.07)

e 71                                               GAME 1 - SUN, SEPT 24, 2017 - Ticketing
   138   139   140   141   142   143   144   145   146   147   148