Page 19 - Parker - Assembly/Installation
P. 19
4300 Catalog Assembly / Installation
Seal-Lok Assembly
Seal-Lok Troubleshooting Guide
O-Ring Face Seal
Immediate leakage when • Improper tightening of joint • Check for O-ring damage and
system is pressurized re-tighten connection to the
recommended torque value
Under-flanged assembly • Undersized tube diameter • Verify that the O.D. is correct; if
resulting in tube slippage undersized, replace tube.
during flanging
• Die gripping surface is worn or • Inspect die gripping surface; if clogged or
dirty excessively worn, clean or replace.
Over-flanged assembly • Sleeve is positioned incorrectly in • Check for proper positioning of sleeve in die;
die if over-flanged, replace tubing
Flange out-of-round • Tubing was not cut properly • Cut tubing within 90° ±1°
• Tube was not properly supported • Support tubing so that tube end is
during flanging perpendicular to tube stop during
• Tubing is eccentric • Replace with quality tubing
• Replace out-of-round flanges
Cracked flange • Tubing too hard • Replace tubing using recommended
quality tube
Scored, pitted flange • Improper deburring and cleaning • Replace flange using proper deburring and
of tube prior to flanging cleaning recommendations
• Flange pin not cleaned and • Keep flanging pin clean and working surfaces
lubricated properly well lubricated.
Leakage at braze joint • Poor braze joint/improper joint • Flux and reheat the joint, remove and replace
clearance with new sleeve
• Mixing of sleeve and tube • Always use steel sleeves with steel tubing
material and stainless sleeves with
• Improper/inadequate flux, braze stainless tubing
alloy overrun, or buildup on face • Apply flux liberally to sleeve and tube end
• Improper/inadequate braze prior to brazing. Use recommended flux,
temperature braze alloy and brazing temperature.
Leakage at face-seal end • Misalignment or improper fit • Align tube end and connecting fitting
properly before tightening tube nut,
holding the flat face of the mating fitting
against O-ring while tightening
• Damaged, pinched, improper, or • Replace O-ring, properly installing it in the
missing O-ring face seal groove
• Extruded O-ring • Replace O-ring and check for proper align-
• Damaged fitting ment and pressure surges exceeding rated
• Braze overflow on sealing surface pressure of fitting; tighten the nut to recom-
mended torque or replace fitting if threads or
sealing surface is grossly damaged.
• Remove and replace sleeve which has braze
overflow on its sealing surface.
Table S15 – Seal-Lok Troubleshooting guide
Dimensions and pressures for reference only, subject to change.
S19 Parker Hannifin Corporation
Tube Fittings Division
Columbus, Ohio