Page 9 - D&C Business Plan Summary
P. 9
Design & Consulting Operations – Business Plan Summary
The overall practice area leadership draws from the D&C leadership. Individual practice areas leaders (typically referred
to as Discipline Chiefs) are housed in the project delivery teams.
The purpose of the Practice Area Organization is to assure that we are sharing best practices in each technical area that
we offer to our clients. This is achieved by each practice area through:
• Informational meetings for all team members within a given Practice Area and
across Practice Areas
• Leadership meetings to discuss resource sharing, professional development,
workforce planning, and goal assessment
• Quality and Innovation Committee meetings to document best practices,
promote innovation and publish design standards within each practice area
Enterprise Quality & Innovation Task Forces
• Each AE Practice Area Leader to provide goals to address efficiency, innovation, creativity, and integration:
o Discipline improvement through basic standards, processes, and procedures.
o Content development for social media/my.Haskell in coordination with Corporate Marketing.
o Two cross-discipline meetings to exchange ideas and have input per year per practice area.
o Facilitate workload distribution across the enterprise for cross-training and workload leveling.
• Each AE Practice Leader will create a Quality & Innovation plan for 2023:
o Plan to include regular meetings with an established workflow.
• Each AE Practice Leader will provide input and involvement as appropriate to the D&C leadership.