Page 14 - The Future is Futbol_September 2022_Draft
P. 14


        As Big as a Holiday

        The World Cup is as big as a holiday. The gatherings are momentous among Latino Enthusiasts who rank the event
        second only to Christmas, more significant than Thanksgiving and New Year's. They say they regard the World Cup as
        a time to forget the day-to-day and create new spaces for gathering and sharing.

        Fans and spectators of many generations and backgrounds lift each other up, share memories and immerse
        themselves in this communal event.

                                                FAVORITE CELEBRATIONS AMONG HISPANIC ENTHUSIASTS

                                                       CHRISTMAS                                  84%

                                                             THE                           64%
                                                       WORLD CUP

                                                    THANKSGIVING                     54%

                                                       NEW YEAR’S                    54%

                                                       HALLOWEEN                23%

                                                          EASTER               17%

                                                      * Percentage of Enthusiasts who rank these celebrations as their top 3 favorites.
                                                              Source: Telemundo. The Future is Fútbol | 2022 Report.

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