Page 273 - גנזי קדם יא
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34* José Martínez Delgado
“reduplicated.” ( ְו ִתּ ָכ ֵפל ֶח ֶרבEzek 21:19); ( ְּב ֶכ ֶפל ִר ְסנ ֹוJob 41:5); ִּכ ְפ ַל ִים ְּב ָכל ַחּ ֹטא ֶתי ָה
(Isa 40:2), “doubles”; and (in Arabic) kifl is doubled.
( ּ ָכ ְפ ָנה ָׁש ֳרֶׁשי ָה ָע ָליוEzek 17:7), “it stretched its root towards him.”
( ְלׁ ֹשד ּו ְל ָכ ָפןJob 5:22); ( ְּב ֶח ֶסר ּו ְב ָכ ָפןJob 30:3), “hunger.”
( ְו ָכ ִפיס ֵמ ֵעץ ַי ֲע ֶנָּנהHag 2:11); it has been said “baked brick.”
( ְו ָכ ַפ ְרָּת ֹא ָתּה ִמַּב ִית ּו ִמחּוץ ַּבּ ֹכ ֶפרGen 6:14), “bitumen from Judea”; it is pitch.
Another meaning: ( ְו ִכֶּפר ַא ֲה ֹרןExod 30:10); ( ּ ַכֵּפר ְל ַעְּמָךDeut 21:8); ִּכי י ֹום
( ִּכּ ֻפ ִרים הּואLev 23:28), “expiation and forgiveness.”
( ֲא ַכְּפ ָרה ָפ ָניוGen 32:21), “I will calm his rage.” ( ְו ֻכַּפר ְּב ִרי ְת ֶכםIsa 28:18), “it
is eliminated, it is annulled.” ( ֹלא תּו ְכ ִלי ּ ַכְּפ ָרּהIsa 47:11), “he eliminated it, he
cancelled it.”
( ּ ֹכ ֶפר ַנ ְפׁש ֹוExod 30:12); ( ִאם ּ ֹכ ֶפר יּוַׁשתExod 21:30); ( ָנ ַתִּתי ָכ ְפ ְרָךIsa 43:3),
“rescue, blood money.”
Another meaning: ( ּו ְכ ַפר ָה ַעּ ֹמ ָנהJosh 18:24); ( ָנ ִלי ָנה ַּבְּכ ָפ ִריםSong 7:12),
“village and villages”; in Arabic kafr with fatḥa in kaf is “village.”
Another meaning: ( ֶאְׁשּ ֹכל ַהּ ֹכ ֶפרSong 1:14); ( ְּכ ָפ ִרים ִעם ְנ ָר ִדיםSong 4:13);
“camphor” has been suggested, as has “cream of privet,” which is a perfume.
( ְּכ ִפיר ְו ַתִּניןPs 91:13), “lion.”
( ְו ֹס ֲח ֵרי ַת ְרִׁשיׁש ְו ָכל ְּכ ִפ ֶרי ָהEzek 38:13), “its important people.”
( ְו ָע ִ ֹשי ָת ַכֹּפ ֶרתExod 25:17), “covering, layer.”
( ַּדק ּ ַכְּכ ֹפרExod 16:14); ( ְּכפ ֹור ּ ָכ ֵא ֶפר ְי ַפּ ֵזרPs 147:16), “snowstorm,” which is
snow with wind.
ְו ִל ְכפ ֹו ֵרי ַהָּז ָהב1) Chr 28:17) […].100
5. T-S Ar 31.105 [3012]: Judaeo-Arabic, Hebrew phrases; Oriental semi-
cursive script; paper; 1 leaf; mutilated; 17.3 x 13.3; 17 lines. Kitāb al-Taysīr,
100 2010 edition reads ( ְו ִל ְכפ ֹו ֵרי ַהָּז ָהב ְּב ִמְׁש ָקל ִל ְכפ ֹור ּו ְכפ ֹורChr 1 28:17), “drawer and