Page 91 - Visual Marketing
P. 91

“The goal is to create a relation-      interesting and personal to each     Souza’s word cloud, giving his
ship with the blogger,” de Souza        blogger, so that they would          site a great boost in exposure.
explained. Once you’ve come             share it with their readers—was   • Thanks to the word cloud–driven
to the blogger’s attention, if you      true to its mark.                    outreach, TaxFix now ranks
have quality content on your site                                            higher for a number of tax-
the blogger may decide to write         Imagine getting something com-       related keywords.
about it and link to it. “Links are     pletely personalized to you or
like votes to the search engines        your blog via e-mail. Naturally,       Takeaway Tip
and the more quality votes that         you’d be intrigued, and chances
you have . . . the more visitors.”      are high that you’d want to              Brands covet coverage by blogs, but blogger
                                        share it with your blog read-            outreach is hard to do. Small businesses with
Why It Works                            ers. By taking this approach, de         limited PR and marketing budgets have to
                                        Souza got the attention of well-         be increasingly creative. By investing some
De Souza did his homework. He           known finance bloggers and                effort to create a relationship with bloggers,
identified the words each blog-          some very large and impressive           including demonstrating that you read their
ger used most frequently in his         websites.                                blog and actually know what they cover in it,
or her blog by analyzing the site                                                you may be able to get their attention and,
content. Then he used a free           Success Metrics                           eventually, some coverage. A visual repre-
online tool at that                                                  sentation of their content is a creative con-
generated the word cloud in the      • One of the most popular finance            versation starter.
shape of the blogger’s logo. His        blogs on the Web published de
aim—to make the word cloud

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