Page 93 - Visual Marketing
P. 93

Why It Works                           Success Metrics                     Takeaway Tip

Pizzo doesn’t just repurpose         • Pizzo has won awards from           People in your target market get bombarded
existing artwork; he renders new        Print, Graphis, How, Desi, and     daily by e-mails from prospective vendors.
illustrations that were created         AR100. His work appears in         You must stay visible—and be distinctive—to
specifically for self-promotion.         leading publications, includ-      stick out in a very crowded marketplace.
By creating original art for his        ing the Wall Street Journal,       Put together a regular schedule of e-mails
own marketing, he shows off             BusinessWeek, and Newsweek,        to stay front and center with those you have
his thinking and creativity with        among others.                      permission to market to. Include the same
each e-mail blast. The tim-                                                level of attention to detail in your e-mails as
ing is also critical. He often       • Pizzo measures his success by       you do in your products and services. And
whips up a timely promo that            the fact that his e-mails keep     make whatever you deliver not just blah, but
relates to special events such          him in contact with his clients,   visually remarkable. Do that and you will
as daylight saving time. “They          which means they’ll keep think-    have a steady pipeline of business.
feel fresh and current, like little     ing of him on a regular basis—
public service announcements,”          even if it’s six months to a year
says Pizzo. There are rules for         between assignments.
e-mailing that Pizzo adheres
to: Always ask for permission,       • Illustrators are freelancers who
do not e-mail more than once            are used to feast or famine
a month, and keep the content           workloads. With e-mail market-
simple—one image per e-mail             ing, Pizzo has been able to sus-
is usually enough. Finding the          tain long-term work sources and
right balance of content and            maintain a profitable workflow.
timing is the key to success.

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