Page 97 - Visual Marketing
P. 97

Why It Works                           The stepping stones symbolize
                                       Berry’s desire to make things
Berry is a seasoned entrepre-          easier for people by helping
neur who is already well known         them through business plan-
in the business planning space,        ning, step by step. The moun-
as is the company he founded           tains serve as a reminder that
and its products. By putting           there’s more to running a busi-
Berry out in front on the blog,        ness than just working all the
it positions Berry as the public       time. After all, what’s the point
“face” of the company and              of working hard if you can’t play
humanizes it. His relaxed visage       once in a while?
interjects a human element into
an otherwise straightforward             Success Metrics                        Takeaway Tip
business site, creating greater
customer intimacy.                     • Berry shares his blog posts on         Take some of the pressure off always
                                          Twitter and has been recom-           focusing on work. Add an element of play
There’s a lot at play in this             mended as one of the top              and the human side into your design in a
header. First the words describe          20 entrepreneurs to follow on         business-to-business industry. Your target
what the blog is about. But the           Twitter in BusinessWeek and one       audience will better identify with your com-
appealing nature scenes, com-             of 25 entrepreneurs to follow in      pany and products because of the personal
bined with Berry’s friendly face          Business Insider.                     touch—you create an emotional connection.
(a far cry from professional and                                                A blog, with a simple personalized header, is
stuffy head shots most of us           • He has been quoted and refer-          a perfect place to interject the human ele-
have), put the reader at ease and         enced in the New York Times           ment, but that same human touch can also
tell us that this blog isn’t just one     and the Wall Street Journal as        work elsewhere.
more dry-as-dust company blog.            an expert, giving greater visibility
                                          to the company.

                                       MUCH MO RE THAN JUST A W E BS I TE 76
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