Page 95 - Visual Marketing
P. 95

Why It Works                           • The more than 2,000 engaged        Takeaway Tip
                                            fans that make up its active
   Teens don’t want to be sold              social media base constantly      Use design elements to reinforce your mes-
   skin care products from adults.          participate in conversations and  sage. If your message is about keeping skin
   After all, adults just don’t get it!     share their experiences on Clean  clean, for example, then a pristine look to
   But using the genuine voices of          Start’s Facebook page.            your website and packaging will support that
   actual teens—not actors—gives                                              message.
   this concept real teeth.              • The site has allowed
                                            Dermalogica to build and
   The website also offers practi-          nurture a young audience to go
   cal advice on skin care, so the          beyond the hype in the skin care
   site becomes bigger than just            industry and really learn about
   e-commerce; it becomes a                 and improve the health of their
   resource of information for teens        skin.
   looking to improve their skin.
   The clean look of the site rein-
   forces the message that keeping
   skin clean and caring for your
   skin are important.

  Success Metrics

• Since Clean Start’s launch, visi-
   tor traffic increased 86 percent
   year over year and is steadily

                                         MUCH MO RE THAN JUST A W E BS I TE 74
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