Page 636 - Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want -
P. 636

Creation	(Customer	Development	process),	183
criteria,	defining,	140–141
Customer	Development	process,	182–183
Customer	Gains

   best	practices	for	mapping,	24–25
   checking	Fit	and,	46–47
   defined,	16–17
   psychodemographic	profile	approach	versus,	54–55
   ranking,	20–21
   as	Starting	Point,	88–89
   Testing	the	Circle	objective,	190–191
   See	also	Gain	Creators
Customer	Insight,	104–119
   Anthropologist,	106,	114–115,	217
   choosing	mix	of	experiments	for,	216–217	(See	also	Experiment	Library)

      Cocreator,	107
   creating	value	for,	144–145	(See	also	Business	Model)	customer	relationship

      management	(CRM),	xvi,	109
   Data	Detective,	106,	108–109,	217
   gaining,	106–107
   identifying	patterns	in,	111,	116–119
   Impersonator,	107,	124–125
   Journalist,	106,	110–113,	217,	225
   Scientist,	107
   shaping	ideas	and,	70–71
   tips	for,	113,	115,	117
Customer	Pains
   best	practices	for	mapping,	24–25
   checking	Fit	and,	46–47
   defined,	14–15
   psychodemographic	profile	approach	versus,	54–55
   ranking,	20–21
   as	Starting	Point,	88–89
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