P. 31
The next myth about the gospel is that one can attain knowledge about God by using the
carnal mind. Scriptures tell us that flesh and bone can’t approach the throne. No flesh will
glory in the father.
Again we are warned in the book of Job about darkening God’s council with a lack of
knowledge. Our understanding is that of a man in filthy rags before his master. Scripture tells
us that man is prone to adopting self righteousness by claiming to be holy.
The carnal mind is enmity with God. And our righteousness is as that of filthy rags. The book
of Isaiah tells us that My ways are not your ways. Neither are My thoughts like yours. As the
heavens are above the earth so are My thoughts are above yours!
Paul said that he was a wretched man who did wrong when right he wanted to do. When I
want to do right evil is always before me. Oh wretched man that I am who will deliver me
from this body of sin?
It was the temptation of the Agnostics to try bypass Jesus and claim to have a holiness that
was of their own making. They claimed to have knowledge of God outside Jesus Christ! This
is why so many of the gospels became erroneous in their approach and were struck out of the
original bible manuscript.
Those became the Gnostic gospels and some of them are still around in their original format.
Those folks who canonized the bible must have been lead by the Holy Spirit. They gave us a
copy of the bible that was untainted by the writes of those false gospels.
Those who tried to introduce to scriptures what Peter called the doctrine of demons were
locked out of the bible making process for a reason. The gospel had to remain as pure as
baby’s milk.
The threat posed by carnality still exists more so in the 21 century church. Doctrine with
error has become fashionable acceptable among many believers. This was the problem the
writers of the bible had to face while coming up with their epistles.
James and Jude warned their audience about the emergence of wolves in sheep clothing.
Zechariah said that the preachers of his day were like those who ate off the fat of the sheep.
John Piper wrote a book about the professionalism that exists among many of today’s
Scriptures tell us that we have a gospel that is not full of the wisdom of man but one that is
very simple read and understand. All one needs to comprehend the scriptures is to tune into
the voice of the Holy Spirit.