Page 30 - DN Press Final NIQC
P. 30
Platinum Winner Chandan CD
Chandan CD
The issue was the lack of the presence of a
tracking mechanism to track the Productivity by
agents for daily/monthly and activity wise tracking. This
resulted in lack of visibility on how much time was being spent
in value added and non-value added activities.
Solution was to introduce a tracker which captured the different elements
for all activities including time spent on learning, meetings, breaks etc. This
capture enabled the following benefits like appropriate resource planning,
activity planning on a daily basis, long term strategic goals etc. It gave good
insights into who are using their time more productively and also how much time
was being spent in non-value added activities.
This small initiative gave a great deal of importance to Lean and therefore organised the
way the team worked and helped them realise where to save time and use their time more
fruitfully. The tracker was not used to track time and pull up employees it was instead used to
give them more control of their activities and helped them planned their day well to avoid all the
three Mu's of Muda, Muri and Mura.
Power being handed to the employees by empowering them with insights into their activities and
productive time motivated them to plan well and proceed well with their daily activities. This
additionally helped the organisation balance the load well and ensure that they had enough
resource strength to get their activities closed well on time without any lag.
Chandan thereby bought a control in place for the organisation by bringing together a more relaxed
and settled workforce management by implementing this simple tool of a productivity tracker. For
doing this he was recognized by DN Incorporation during the recent Business excellence awards
conducted. All small drops an ocean makes and this is exactly what we wanted to exhibit during our
awards by encouraging and awarding all small scale and large scale improvements as they both
lead to huge wins.