Page 71 - KRA Annual Report 2020
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KRA ANNUAL REPORT                                                         Company
                        2020                                                                   Improvement

                                                    5. ALL KOMATSU INDONESIA TECHNICAL OLYMPIC
                                                         (AKITO 2020)

                                                    AKITO is Technical Competition that held by Komatsu
                                                    Indonesia. This Year KRA join in 3 Categories and 3 sub
                                                    Categories, and get good results :
                                                    1.  Machining
                                                         ·  Manual Lathe : 1  Winner
                                                         ·  CNC Lathe   : 2  winner & 3  Winner
                                                         ·  CNC Milling   : 1  Winner
                                                    2.  Forklift Operational  : 2  winner
          Manual Lathe Practical Test & KRA as 1  winner in   3.  Overhead Crane Operational : 2  winner
                        Manual Lathe
                                                     6. BEST EMPLOYEE COMPETITION (BEC) 2020

                                                     As an annual agenda for employee awarding, KRA held a
                                                     Best  Employee  Competition  (BEC).  BEC  is  an  annual
                                                     activity to appreciate the achievement of the performance
                                                     and  competence  employee  through  several  steps  of
                                                     candidate selection.

                                                     In  FY2020,  KRA  had  6  BEC  categories,  added  1  new
                                                     category  from  the  previous  year.  They  were  separated
               Best Employee Competition (BEC) 2020
                                                     into   2    groups,   technical   &    non-technical.
                                                      In Technical  we  had,  Machinist, Mechanic  A (new),  and
                                                     Mechanic  B  (new)  and  in  Non-technical  group,  we  have
                                                     Generalist 1, Generalist 2, and Generalist 3.

                                                     Candidate  selection  process  was  started  on  October,
                                                     2020  with  added  innovation  criteria  in  selecting  the
                                                     candidate  which mean they  have to create a suggestion
                                                     system  or  as  a  leader  in  QCC  (Quality  Control  Circle)
                                                     innovation team in innovation cycle FY 2020.
            BEC is held by online and broadcast in Youtube

         Due  to  new  normal  condition,  BEC  concatenation  process  run  in  several  rooms  for  participants  only  with
         implement health protocols of Covid-19 witnessed online by all employee


         In FY2020, KRA implement a new development method
         due to new  normal condition,  including certification.  As
         our  commitment  to  develop  our  people  with  certified
         competencies,  we  conduct  a  certification  activity  for
         critical   competencies,   especially   for   technical

         We  coordinate  with  our  group  certification  institute,
         known  as  LSPABI,  to  execute  a  remote  certification  of   Overhead Certification by Online
         Over  Head  Crane  (OHC).  This  certification  started  on
         Feb, 2021 with 8 participants from mechanics.
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