Page 228 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 228


           2nd      The learner…                         The learner…                           1.  describes  the  lines,  shapes,  colors,  textures,  and  Weeks 1
         Quarter                                                                                designs seen in the skin coverings of different animals  & 2 / 2
                    demonstrates    understanding    of  creates a composition or design of a  and sea creatures using visual arts words and actions.       Q
                    using  two  or  more  kinds  of  lines,  tricycle  or  jeepney that shows unity  2.  designs  with  the  use  of  drawing  and  painting  Weeks 3
                    colors and shapes through repetition  and  variety  of  lines,  shapes,  and  materials  the  sea  or  forest  animals  in  their  habitats  & 4 / 2
                    and contrast to create rhythm        colors                                 showing their unique shapes and features, variety of        Q
                                                                                                colors and textures in their skin.
                                                                                                3. creates designs by using two or more kinds of lines,   Week 5
                                                                                                colors and shapes by repeating or contrasting them, to  & 6 / 2
                                                                                                show rhythm                                                 Q
                                                                                                4. uses control of the painting tools and materials to   Week 7
                                                                                                paint the different lines, shapes and colors in his work  & 8 / 2
                                                                                                or in a group work                                          Q
                                                                                                5. design an outline of a tricycle or jeepney on a big   Week 7
                                                                                                paper  with  lines  and  shapes  that  show  repetition,  & 8 / 2
                                                                                                contrast and rhythm                                         Q
            3       The learner…                         The learner…                           1.  differentiates  natural  and  man-made  objects  with  Week 1/
         Quarter                                                                                repeated or alternated shapes and colors and materials    3  Q
                    demonstrates    understanding    of  creates prints from natural and man- that can be used in print making
                    shapes,   textures,   colors    and  made objects that can be repeated or  2. creates a consistent pattern by making two or three  Week 2/
                    repetition of motif, contrast of motif  alternated in shape or color.       prints that are repeated or alternated in shape or color   1  Q
                    and  color  from  nature  and  found                                        3.  carves  a  shape  or  letter  on  an  eraser  or  kamote,  Week 3-
                    objects                              creates    prints   with   repeating,  which can be painted and printed several times           4 / 1  Q
                                                         alternating or contrasting color or size                                                       Week 5-
                                                                                                4. creates a print on paper or cloth using cut-out designs
                                                         or texture                                                                                      6 / 1  Q
                                                                                                5. participates in a school/district exhibit and culminating  Week 7-
                                                         shows  skills  in  making  a  clear  print   activity  in  celebration  of  the  National  Arts  Month  8 / 1  Q
                                                         from natural and man-made objects      (February)
            4       The learner…                         The learner                            1. discusses the artistry of different local craftsmen in  Week 1/
         Quarter                                                                                creating:                                                 4  Q
                    demonstrates understanding of        creates a 3-dimensional free-                    1.1 taka of different animals and figures in Paete,
                    shapes, texture, proportion and      standing, balanced figure using        Laguna
                                                                                                          1.2 sarangola or kites
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