Page 277 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 277
5. Exerts best effort to achieve positive This competency is
feeling about self and others already embedded
in other LCs.
Grade Level: Grade 9
Subject: Physical Education
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration
The learner The learner maintains an This competency is
demonstrates understanding of active lifestyle to influence already embedded
lifestyle and weight management to the physical activity in other LCs.
promote community fitness participation of the 1. Undertakes physical activity and physical
community fitness assessments
practices healthy eating habits
that support an active lifestyle
2. Performs appropriate first aid for injuries Weeks 1 & 2
and emergency situations in physical
activity and sports settings (e.g. cramps,
sprain, heat exhaustion)
3. Involves oneself in community service This competency is
through sports officiating and physical already embedded
activity programs in other LCs.
4. Officiates practice and competitive games Weeks 3 & 8
The learner The learner maintains an This competency is
demonstrates understanding of active lifestyle to influence already embedded
lifestyle and weight management to the physical activity in other LCs.
promote community fitness participation of the
2 1. Undertakes physical activity and physical
Quarter fitness assessments
practices healthy eating habits
that support an active lifestyle