Page 440 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 440


         Grade Level:  Grade 11/12
         Subject: Personal Development

          Quarter            Contents Standards                  Performance Standards                  Most Essential Learning Competencies            Duration
                    The learners demonstrate an                                                  explain that knowing oneself can make a person
                                                           The learners shall be able to...
                    understanding of…                                                            accept his/her strengths and limitations and dealing

                                                                                                 with others better                                      Week 1
                                                           conduct self-exploration and simple
                    himself/herself during middle and      disclosure                            share his/her unique characteristics, habits, and
                    late adolescence                                                             experiences

                    the various aspects of holistic        illustrate the connections between    evaluate his/her own thoughts, feelings, and
                    development: physiological,            thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in   behaviors                                              Week 2
                    cognitive, psychological, spiritual,   a person’s holistic development       show the connections between thoughts, feelings, and
                    and social development                                                       behaviors in actual life situations
                                                                                                 Discuss developmental tasks and challenges being
                                                                                                 experienced during adolescence                          Week 3
                    the skills and tasks and challenges    make a list of ways to become         Evaluate one’s development through the help of
            1       appropriate for middle and late        responsible adolescents prepared      significant people around him/her ( peers, parents,
                    adolescence, and preparatory to        for adult life and manage the
          Quarter                                                                                siblings, friends, teachers, community leaders)
                    early adulthood                        demands of teen years                 Identify ways that help one become capable and
                                                                                                 responsible adolescent prepared for adult life
                    the concepts about mental health       identify his/her own vulnerabilities   Discuss understanding of mental health and             Week 4
                    and well-being particularly stress and  and plan on how to stay mentally     psychological well-being  to identify ways to cope with
                    coping strategies in middle and late   healthy while coping with stress      stress during adolescence
                    adolescence                                                                  Identify causes and effects of stress in one’s life
                                                                                                                                                         Week 5
                                                                                                 Demonstrate personal ways to cope with stress and

                                                                                                 maintain mental health
                                                                                                 Discuss that understanding the different parts of the
                                                                                                 brain, processes and functions may help in improving
                                                           Identify ways to improve brain                                                                Week 6
                    brain parts, its processes and                                               thoughts, behavior and feelings.
                    functions                              functions which will be manifested    Explore ways on how to improve brain functions for
                                                           in thoughts, behavior and feelings
                                                                                                 personal development

                                                                                                 Develop a personal plan to enhance brain functions      Week 7
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