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         Grade Level:  Grade 11/12
         Subject: Personal Development

          Quarter            Contents Standards                  Performance Standards                  Most Essential Learning Competencies            Duration
                                                                                                 Explain that understanding different factors, career
                    the concepts of career development,                                          development concepts and personal life goals
                    life goals, and personal factors       set a personal career goal based on   influence career planning and decision-making.          Week 6
                    influencing career choices and         the results of self-assessment of     Identify career options based on different factors,
                    external factors                       various personal and external         career development concepts and personal life goals
                                                                                                 Prepare a career plan based on the identified career
                                                                                                 options to attain personal life’s goals
                                                                                                 explain the factors in personal development that may    Week 7
                                                                                                 guide him/her in making important career decisions as
                                                           analyze and synthesize his/her        share insights that make him/her realize the
                    his/her personal development as an
                                                           personal development as an            importance of personal development in making a
                    important component of setting         important component of setting        career decision as adolescent
                    career and life goals                                                                                                                Week 8
                                                           career and life goals                 construct a creative visualization of his/her personal

                                                                                                 development through of the various stages he/she
                                                                                                 went through, stressors, influences, and decision-
                                                                                                 making points, and a personal profile analysis

        Grade Level:11/12
        Subject: Physical Science

         Quarter  Content Standard                    Performance Standard
                                                                                              Most Essential Learning Competencies                      Duration
                    The learners demonstrate          The learners should be able to...
                    understanding of...
         1          1. the formation of the           make a creative representation of the   Give evidence for and describe the formation of heavier   Week 1
         Quarter  elements during the Big Bang        historical development of the atom or  elements during star formation and evolution
                    and during stellar evolution      the chemical element in a timeline      Explain how the concept of atomic number led to the       Week 1
                                                                                              synthesis of new elements in the laboratory
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