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NUR 577 (Gerontology Nursing)
This course will provide the students with selected theories & concepts will be
investigated as they affect bio-psycho-social functioning of the elderly. Emphasis
on psychosomatic, acute and long –term illnesses and their interplay with social –
psychological problems of the elderly. Clinical practice in acute, long –term or
community settings, depending on the student's background and interest.
Community Health Nursing Specialty Courses
NUR 516 (Concepts & Trends in Community Health Nursing)
Explores current concepts and issues relating to community health nursing. Students
also discuss the nature and scope of community health nursing & its relationship to
public health sciences and nursing. Family & community are identified as the basic
units of study and primary prevention as a major responsibility.
NUR 517 (Practicum in Community Health Nursing)
This course provides students with opportunities to assess a community’s health and
related needs. Clinical experience in community health nursing is emphasized.
Students can apply community nursing principles to assess family interaction,
strengths and health needs and effectively intervenes with families in a variety of
NUR 518 (Advanced Community Health Nursing)
This course provides students with an advanced understanding of scientific basis for
community health nursing. It assists students to conceptualize the role of
community health nurses in promoting health and preventing or postponing
morbidity among different groups of the society. The course provides students with
an opportunity to discuss current challenges and trends in the field.
CHS 551 (Epidemiology)
Basic epidemiological principles and strategies are presented as theoretical
foundations to assess the health needs of aggregates. Epidemiologic methods as
related to the etiology and prognosis in chronic diseases are emphasized. Laboratory
experiences involve the application to data in specific situations.
NUR 519 (Advanced Clinical in Community Health Nursing)
This course focuses on clinical skills in community assessment is extended to include the
use of regulatory process with families who have multiple problems. The student will be
expected to develop, implement and evaluate a project with the potential for a resolution
of the health problem identified. Emphasis will be placed on the application of theoretical
concepts in program planning and evaluation. The use of health statistics is an integral
part of the clinical experience.