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NUR 522 (Advanced Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing)

The course is designed to provide basis for specific types of ineffective social
behavior as well as personality disturbances and their treatment within the context
of psychiatric mental health. The focus is on the application of small group behavior
to the therapeutic nurse-client relationship along with the development of the
consultative role. Critique of research in group therapy.

NUR 523 (Croup therapy)

Theories of personality, techniques of psychotherapy, brief psychotherapy and crisis
intervention. Examination of the application of theories of small group therapy to
clinical practice. Specific psychotherapeutic skills in group intervention developed
and examined in light of data drawn from student field experiences. Specialized
group therapy techniques and research as related to group practice are reviewed.

NUR 524 (Clinical Modalities in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing)

Advanced clinical experience in group therapy with emphasis on prevalent
psychiatric health issues. Focus on the development of specific psychotherapeutic
skills through on-going analysis of concurrent field experiences. Special emphasis
on the development and application of therapeutic interventions and short treatment
modalities. Course addresses the total application of theory to clinical practice.
Each student is required to co-lead a group of clients approved by the faculty.

Elective Courses for Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Specialty

NUR 580 (Nursing of the Chronically Mentally Disabled)

Practice with severe and chronically mentally disabled in the institution. Students
will have guided practice in assessment of a group of patients, individual case
planning, intervention at individual, family, or group level and evaluation and
adaptation of the plan based on outcomes.

NUR 581 (Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Mental Health)

Supervised practice with children and families in community mental health settings.
Application of theoretical concepts to therapeutic relationships is the focus along
with the development of the consultation/educative role of the child and adolescent
nurse specialist.

Medical Surgical Nursing Specialty

NUR 550 (Theoretical Basis for Medical Surgical Nursing)

 This course focuses on exploration of concepts and theories derived from the
 behavioral and biological sciences that care practically pertinent to understanding
 and assessing the health status of adult clients with bio-psycho-social functional
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