Page 5 - DRT 2021 October INSERT
P. 5
MRS. WEBB: I’ve already told you, yes. Now that’s enough of that. You have a nice
young pretty face. I never heard of such foolishness.
EMILY: Mamá, nunca me dices la verdad sobre nada.
EMILY: Oh, Mama, you never tell us the truth about anything.
MRS. WEBB: Te estoy diciendo la verdad.
MRS. WEBB: I am telling you the truth.
EMILY: Mama, ¿eras tú bonita?
EMILY: Mama, were you pretty?
MRS. WEBB: Sí, lo era, si quieres que te diga la verdad. Era la muchacha más linda
del pueblo después de Mamie Cartwright.
MRS. WEBB: Yes, I was, if I do say it. I was the prettiest girl in town next to Mamie
EMILY: Pero, mamá, debes de ser sincera conmigo. ¿Soy yo lo suficientemente bonita
para hacer que alguien…que la gente se fije en mí?
EMILY: But, Mama, you’ve got to say something about me. Am I pretty enough…to
get anybody…to get people interested in me?
MRS. WEBB: Emilia, me agotas. Basta. Tienes tu propio encanto para tener una vida
normal. Vamos andando y lleva esta vasija.
MRS. WEBB: Emily, you make me tired. Now stop it. You’re pretty enough for all nor-
mal purposes. Come along now and bring that bowl with you.
EMILY: Pero mamá…
EMILY: But Mama…
Pg. 35
MR. WEBB: ¿Quién está ahí? ¿Eres tú, Myrtle?
MR. WEBB: Who’s that up there? Is that you, Myrtle?
EMILY: No, soy yo, papá.
EMILY: No, it’s me, Papa.
MR. WEBB: ¿Por qué no te has ido a acostar?
MR. WEBB: Why aren’t you in bed?