Page 10 - Tlahuizcalli CB-30_Neat
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When an incident photon from the scintillator hits      the scintillator needs to be large enough so that the
          the photocathode, an electron is emitted via the        muons can be stopped, otherwise, most of muons
          photoelectric  effect.  Because  of  the  electric      will have enough energy to just pass through the
          potential  difference,  the  electron  is  accelerated   scintillator.  This  has  to  be  considered  for  anyone
          towards  the  first  dynode.  This  causes  secondary   trying to reproduce this technique.
          electrons to be produced, which are accelerated
          towards  the  next  dynode,  where  more  electrons      With  this  methodology,  the  detector  (scintilla-
          are emitted and accelerated again: an electron          tor+PMT) will generate 2 separate signals: The first
          cascade  is  created.  This  cascade  is  collected  at   signal will be produced when the muon trapped in
          the  anode  to  give  a  current  which  can  be        the  detector  loses  energy,  while  the  second  one
          amplified and analyzed. The overall amplification       will  be  produced  when  the  residual  electron
          factor  of  a  PMT  depends  on  the  number  of        interacts with the scintillator, indicating the decay
          dynodes and of the potential difference applied.        of  the  muon.  The  time  interval  between  the  two
          Since     photomultipliers     are     extremely        signals, represents the time between the arrival of
          photosensitive, one must be careful not to expose       the muon, and its decay, that is, the decay time.
          them to ambient light when operating. Otherwise         Measuring this time for a large enough number of
          one  would  be  getting  signals  corresponding  to     muons, allowed to obtain  a  distribution  of decay
          ambient  light  and  not  to  the  radiation  on  the   times. After that, a curve fit was carried out for the
          scintillator (Melissinos, 2003).                        distribution based on Equation (6), where the mean
                                                                  lifetime       was  the  parameter  to  be  obtained
           Given that the muon is a charged particle, it can      based on the experimental data.
          be detected using a scintillator. Even more, given
          that during its decay, an electron is produced, we      A1. Experimental setup
          can  also  determine  when  a  muon  has  decayed
          inside  a  scintillator,  as  the  electron  produced  will   A 30cm large cylindrical plastic scintillator was used
          also  generate  a  scintillation  some  time  later.    for this part of the experiment. Notice that despite
          Cosmic  muons  are  relativistic  particles,  and       being this large, there were still a portion of muons
          previous works determined their speed to be close       with enough energy to not be stopped inside the
          to that of the speed of light. Thus, if one hopes to    material,  however,  we  achieved  a  large  enough
          measure this speed, detectors with a fast response      count of muons with this scintillator. It is also worth
          time  like  scintillators,  could  be  a  good  choice.  In   noticing  that,  if  we  assume  that  the  radiation  of
          the experiment described in this report, scintillation   muons arriving to the detector is isotropic, then the
          detection is used as a basis to measure the mean        muons arriving vertically will be the ones with more
          lifetime    , and velocity    , of muons produced in    probability to be stopped, since they will have to
          the upper atmosphere.                                   get through more material that the ones that pass
          II. Methodology
                                                                   A  photomultiplier  connected  to  a  H.V.  power
          A. Measurement of the muon’s mean lifetime              supply was coupled in one of the circular faces of
                                                                  the  scintillator.  It  can  be  seen  in  fig.  (1)  that  the
          When muons arrive from the atmosphere at speeds         scintillator was covered with reflecting foil in order
          close  to  the  speed  of  light,  they  are  subject  to   to  prevent  most  of  the  photons  from  escaping
          relativistic effects like time dilation. Therefore, if one   through the face where the PMT was placed. The
          tries to measure the muons lifetime while in motion,    output signal was visualized using an oscilloscope
          more than one detector would be needed, in order        and then analyzed using NIM logic electronics (see
          to keep track of its motion.                            Appendix A).

           To  avoid  these  complications,  we  aimed  at         The entire circuit layout employed to measure the
          capturing  low  energy  incoming  muons  inside  the    time  difference  between  the  arrival  of  the  muon
          scintillator.  Once  they  have  been  stopped,         and its decay is shown in fig. (2). The signal coming
          relativistic effects are avoided. After a certain time,   from the PMT is first introduced to a Fan-in/Fan- out
          the trapped muon will decay, emitting an electron       module  that  allowed  us  to  get  multiple  identical
          in the process. In order for this approach to work,     signals to be used with different purposes. One the

                            Tlahuizcalli ISSN: 2448-7260                    Año 10 Núm. 30 septiembre-diciembre 2024
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