Page 12 - Tlahuizcalli CB-30_Neat
P. 12

scintillator, and the second one corresponds to the      A  list  of  the  NIM  modules  employed,  along  with
          electron  produced  by  its  decay.  Channel  3         their specifications can be found in Appendix B. Fig.
          (purple) illustrates the signal coming from the Gate    (4)  shows  all  the  NIM  modules  assembled  and
          Delay  generator,  meaning  that  that’s  how  the      connected in a NIM bin.
          10      width  gate  looks  like.  Note  that  it’s  slightly
          delayed with respect to the first pulse of the original   On  fig.  (5)  we  can  see  the  scintillator  placed
          signal, but the second pulse is still in coincidence    vertically for its operation.
          with  the  gate;  therefore,  whenever  the  second
          pulse falls within this 10     gate, a TRUE logic pulse
          will be issued by the coincidence unit. This pulse will
          be the STOP input of the TAC. Because the pulse
          coming from the Coincidence Unit is produced at
          the  same  time  as  the  pulse  associated  with  the
          decay of the muon (after all, this is the pulse that
          indicates TRUE coincidence, since the gate arrives
          first  to  the  coincidence  unit),  then  the  TAC  is
          actually measuring the time interval between the
          first pulse (arrival of the muon) and the instant of its
          decay. Channel 2 (blue) in the oscilloscope shows
          the output signal of the TAC, which was finally sent
          to a Multichannel Analyzer (MCA) to be registered.

                                                                  Figure 5. The scintillator on its operating position.

                                                                  A2. Calibration of the PMT

                                                                  Before the data acquisition stage, we needed to
                                                                  calibrate  the  PMT  to  find  the  best  operating
                                                                  voltage,  so  that  the  signals  from  the  scintillator
          Figure 3. Output of the PMT (yellow), Coincidence Unit   corresponding  to  the  detection  of  muons,  didn’t
          (purple) and TAC (blue).                                get  affected  by  the  noise.  With  this  purpose,  the
                                                                  voltage from the H.V. power supply was gradually
                                                                  turned up, while the output signal from the PMT was
                                                                  visualized  in  an  oscilloscope.  The  best  operating
                                                                  voltage from the source was set at 2.00kV for this
                                                                  experiment.    Meanwhile,    the   discriminator’s
                                                                  threshold was set to 5mV.

                                                                  A3. Calibration of the TAC and Multichannel
                                                                  Analyzer (MCA)

                                                                  The MCA registered the data from the TAC in the
                                                                  form  of  a  histogram,  where,  depending  on  the
                                                                  amplitude of the TAC output  signal,  a count was
                                                                  recorded in one of the bins or channels.
          Figure 4. The entire electronic circuit assembled.

                            Tlahuizcalli ISSN: 2448-7260                    Año 10 Núm. 30 septiembre-diciembre 2024
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