Page 185 - Making Instruction Work
P. 185
chap 15 3/11/97 5:08 PM Page 171
module drafting 171
Objective: Using hair-shaping implements and supplies, be
able to cut the client’s hair to the requested hairstyle.
Instructor Activity Student Activity
1. Explain purpose of the
skill and when it is used.
Describe objective and
hairstyles to be learned.
Describe skill check.
2. Demonstrate use of each
hairstyling tool.
3. Hold up hairstying tools Respond with names of tools.
and ask students to name Ask questions during demo.
4. Demonstrate and explain Ask questions during demo.
first hairstyle. Students practice on each
5. Explain and illustrate com-
mon errors and how they
are avoided.
6. Correct student errors.
7. Demonstrate and explain Ask questions during demo.
second hairstyle.
8. Correct student errors. Students practice on each
9. Describe common errors Students ask questions.
and how to avoid or correct
them on second hairstyle.
10. Initiate individual perfor- Students claiming to be ready
mance test. are tested first, while others
continue practicing.
(Continue with additional
hairstyles, if any.)