Page 187 - Making Instruction Work
P. 187
chap 15 3/11/97 5:08 PM Page 173
module drafting 173
Objective: Given a module of instruction that accomplishes
its objective, be able to prepare the directions and instructions
that will enable the module to work when administered by
another instructor.
Instructor Activity Student Activity
1. Explain importance of the
2. Hand out example module. Read example module. List
3. Ask students to list the items information needed in prepara-
and information they feel tion for teaching the sample
they would need before they module.
could teach the sample mod-
4. Ask students to volunteer the Discuss the lists.
information on their lists,
and ask other students to add
items or to comment.
5. Hand out Implementation Ask questions.
Checklist. Answer questions
about the items.
6. Ask each student to draft Write implementation material.
the implementation items
and instructions needed by
another instructor expecting
to teach the module.
7. Have student give his or her Review someone else’s module
module and implementation and implementation material
instructions to another stu- and list missing items.
dent. Ask student to list miss-
ing items.
8. Discuss results of the prac-
9. Administer criterion test. Prepare implementation mater-
ial for a second module the stu-
dent has already drafted.