Page 11 - Monster Energy 2021-2022 Benefits Guide
P. 11

dental and vision

            DENTAL   Your dental health is tied to your overall health, so be sure to have regular dental exams and cleanings.
                     Choose from two Cigna dental plans.

                     DENTAL BENEFIT                   CIGNA DHMO*                          CIGNA PPO
                                                   In-Network Coverage Only       In-Network       Out-of-Network

             Annual Deductible                            None                         $50/member; $150/family
             Calendar Year Benefits Maximum             Unlimited                       $2,000 per individual

             Oral Exams                               Plan pays 100%                      Plan pays 100%
             Routine Cleanings                        Plan pays 100%                      Plan pays 100%

             X-rays                                   Plan pays 100%                      Plan pays 100%
             Fillings                                 Plan pays 100%           10% after deductible  20% after deductible

             Routine Extractions               $12 Copay, then 10% after deductible  10% after deductible  20% after deductible
             Porcelain Crowns                        $410 - $500 Copay         40% after deductible  50% after deductible

                                                  $2,040 children; $2,376 adults
             Orthodontia Lifetime Maximum                                         Child/Adult  Plan pays 50% up to $2,000
                                                    other costs may apply
             YOUR BI-WEEKLY COST
             Employee Only                        $0.00 (100% company paid)           $0.00 (100% company paid)

             Employee + Spouse                            $4.27                              $12.69
             Employee + Child(ren)                        $4.96                              $14.54

             Employee + Family                            $7.15                              $21.69
             *   CIGNA Dental HMO is not available in the following states:  Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont
              and Wyoming
            vision   The EyeMed vision plan provides coverage for routine eye exams, glasses and contact lenses.

                     VISION BENEFIT                                  EYEMED VISION PLAN

                                                    In-Network Coverage               Out-of-Network Allowance

             Exams – every 12 months)                     $0                            Plan pays up to $35
                                                                                      Plan pays up to $35 (Single)
             Lenses – every 12 months              $20, then Plan pays 100%           Plan pays up to $49 (Bifocal)
                                                                                     Plan pays up to $74 (Trifocal)
                                                    Plan pays up to $200,
             Frames – every 12 months                                                   Plan pays up to $100
                                                then 20% of any amount over $200
                                                    Plan pays up to $200,               Plan pays up to $120
             Contacts – every 12 months
                                                then 15% of any amount over $200  (up to $160 for disposable contact lenses)
             YOUR BI-WEEKLY COST
             Employee Only                                          $0.00 (100% company paid)

             Employee + Spouse                                             $1.38
             Employee + Child(ren)                                         $1.62

             Employee + Family                                             $2.31                                     /  11
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