Page 14 - 2022 Benegit Guide
P. 14

Health Savings Account (HSA) Highlights

                  TAX-                                                TAX-
             DEDUCTIBLE                  TAX-FREE                 DEFERRED                 IT’S YOURS

          Contributions to HSA are 100%   Withdraw to pay qualified    Interest earnings accumulate    Unlike a Flexible Spending
           deductible (up to legal limit)   medical expenses, including    tax-deferred, and if used   Account (FSA), unused money in
               – just like an IRA       dental and vision,      to pay qualified medical    your HSA rolls over, isn’t forfeited
                                         and never taxed        expense, are tax-free  at the end of the year, it continues
        Eligibility Requirements                                                          to grow, tax-deferred

        •  You must be enrolled in the SSC CDHP medical plan. You cannot be enrolled in any other health plan that
          is not a qualified high deductible health plan. For example, your spouse’s medical plan or any Health Care
          Flexible Spending Account (including your spouse’s) that can reimburse you for eligible medical expenses.
        •  You cannot be enrolled in Medicare, nor can you be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return.
        Eligible Expenses

        •  Health care expenses that are covered by most Health Care Flexible Spending Accounts, including medical,
          dental, and vision expenses (see IRS Publication 502 for more details).
        •  Premiums for long-term care insurance, health care continuation coverage (COBRA and Medicare).
        •  You can use your HSA to pay for qualified expenses for any dependents you claim on your tax return,
          not just those covered by your medical plan.
        •  Expenses for services incurred after your HSA was set up. You must have sufficient funds in your HSA.
        Setting Up Your HSA

        •  When you enroll in the CDHP, your HSA will be set up for you with Anthem Actwise. You can view and
          manage your account online. You must re-enroll for the 2022 plan year.
        •  You will receive a debit card once you set up your HSA that you can use to pay for qualified expenses.
        •  If you already have an HSA, you may roll over that balance to an Anthem Actwise HSA.
        •  You may start investing once your account balance reaches a specified balance. You can choose from
          variety of different investment options. Your funds are fully vested upon deposit.
        •  Banking fees may apply for certain services. You can review the fee schedule when you complete
          your application.
        •  Once your HSA balance reaches $1,000, you can invest additional money in mutual funds.

        You are responsible for making sure your expenses are eligible. If you use your HSA to pay for a non-qualified
        medical expense, you will be taxed on the amount as gross income and subject to an additional 20% penalty.
        After age 65, funds can be used as supplemental income, subject to income taxes, but no penalty.

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