Page 10 - 2022 Benegit Guide
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Health and Wellness Programs to BeWell
Whether you’re suffering from asthma, expecting a baby or just fighting a cold, our health and wellness
programs can help.
ConditionCare 24/7 NurseLine
If you have asthma, diabetes, chronic obstructive Whether it’s 3 a.m. or a lazy Sunday afternoon,
pulmonary disease (COPD), heart disease or heart you can talk to a registered nurse any time of
failure, ConditionCare can help you take charge of the day or night. These nurses can:
your health with tools and resources such as: • Answer questions about health concerns.
• 24/7, toll-free phone access to nurses who can • Help you decide where to go for care when
answer health questions. your doctor, dentist, or eye doctor isn’t
• Support from nurse care managers, dietitians available.
and other health care professionals to help you • Help you find providers and specialists in
reach your health goals. your area.
• Educational guides, electronic newsletters • Enroll you and your dependents in health
and tools to help you learn more about your management programs.
condition(s). • Remind you about scheduling important
Future Moms screenings and exams, including dental and
vision check ups.
Having a baby is an exciting time! Future Moms
can help you have a healthy pregnancy and
a healthy baby. Sign up as soon as you know New! Digital diabetes
you’re pregnant to receive: prevention coaching
• A nurse specializing in obstetrics who can for better health
answer your questions, 24/7, and will call to
check on your progress. One in three Americans has prediabetes—
• The Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy, and most don’t know it. To help you address
prediabetes and prevent Type 2 diabetes, Lark
which explains the changes your body and baby has teamed with Anthem to offer personalized
are going through. support at no cost to you. With this resource,
• A screening to check your health risks. you may lose weight, eat healthier, increase
• Resources to help you make healthier decisions activity, sleep better and manage stress. This
during pregnancy. 24/7 coaching support includes:
• Free phone access to pharmacists, nutritionists • A customized program based on your lifestyle
and other specialists, if needed. • Convenient access to a coach through the
• Other helpful information on labor and delivery. Lark mobile app
• Personalized feedback through daily check-ins
The Autism Spectrum Disorder Program • Educational information
This program focuses on building a strong • A free, wireless smart scale
support system for the entire family. A specialized Find out if you qualify for the program by taking
team of clinicians will work with you to create a a one-minute quiz at
customized care plan, help coordinate care, and
connect you with resources in your community.
Get the support you need!
Call us to sign up and use these programs at no extra cost:
ConditionCare: 1-866-330-2543 Future Moms: 1-800-828-7984 24/7 NurseLine: 1-800-700-9184
Autism Spectrum Disorder Program: 1-844-269-0538
10 2022 Health and Benefits Guide