Page 7 - 2022 Benegit Guide
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Being a Good Consumer of Health Care
We’re all looking for ways to save. Many times, the
medical care you need is available at different prices, Four ways to use benefits
from different providers, and at different places. wisely and save money
Options What It Is Best for 1. Stay in-network. You can save on your out-of-
LiveHealth An online, Minor medical care pocket costs when you use a doctor, hospital, or
Online virtual visit 24/7 facility that’s part of Anthem’s network. Chances are
A clinic in a retail Basics: Ear/sinus there’s an in-network doctor or facility nearby. If a
store or pharmacy infections, sore throat/ doctor or facility is not contracted with Anthem, they
Walk-in staffed by nurse strep, minor sprains, are considered “out-of-network” and your out-of-
Clinic $ practitioners bronchitis, coughs, pocket costs will be higher.
cold/flu, vaccines
2. Know costs before you go. In-network radiology
Self-standing center or Serious, non life- centers, outpatient surgery centers, and laboratories
located in health facility; threatening: Fractures can give you quality service like a hospital, but at a
Urgent Care staffed by physicians or sprains needing much lower cost. If you choose to go to a hospital, use
Center $$ and nurses X-rays, deep cuts
needing stitches, to compare facilities.
severe rash
When you visit to find a doctor,
Hospital department Threat to life or limb: hospital, pharmacy or facility use the cost estimator
open 24/7; staffed Chest pain, difficulty tool in the search results to compare cost for a
and equipped for life- breathing, seizures, specific service.
Emergency threatening care major break, head
Room $$$ trauma, bleeding, 3. Get Preventive Care. Your annual check-up,
allergic reaction, loss immunizations, and screenings can help detect or
of consciousness prevent serious diseases and help you stay healthy.
Your Primary Care Provider (PCP) can help you
coordinate tests and shots that are right for you
Choose the right provider based on your age, sex, and family history. These
Look for doctors with the Anthem Blue Distinction rating. Visit screenings might include your annual exam, blood, log in or register, and locate a doctor pressure and cholesterol test, diabetes and colon
using the “Find Care” option on the welcome page. The results cancer screenings, and mammograms and Pap tests.
will identify doctors who have earned their Anthem Blue 4. LiveHealth Online visits can be a cost-effective
Distinction rating (their quality and cost designation).
option. What do you do when you need minor
Right care. Right place. Right time. medical care while you’re away from home or your
Where to go for non-emergency care health care provider isn’t available? With LiveHealth
When you’re concerned about a health issue or are unsure Online, you can talk to a board-certified doctor
where to go when you need care quickly, 24/7 NurseLine is by phone or online video chat—anytime, day or
available to help. Our registered nurses can answer your health night. A telehealth visit can be a quick, convenient,
questions anytime of the day or night. They can also help you and cost-effective option when your health care
find nearby health care providers in your area and connect you provider isn’t available. Go to LiveHealthOnline.
to the health and wellness programs included in your plan, if com or download the LiveHealthOnline mobile app.
needed. Call 1-800-700-9184 to talk to a registered nurse.
You may be able to save on your prescription by reviewing cost first.
It’s easy to compare cost:
1. Log in to online or through the app.
2. Choose Prescriptions, then Price a Medication.
3. Enter the medication name and dosage.
4. Select pharmacies near you to compare cost.
2022 Health and Benefits Guide 7