Page 15 - Sustainable Development Goals_ EN booklet 2022
P. 15
3.5 Reinforcing the prevention and treatment of drug abuse and addiction,
including narcotics and damage from alcohol consumption.
3.6 Reducing by half the worldwide number of people killed and injured in road
3.7 Providing universal accessibility to sexual and reproductive services,
including family planning, information and education, and incorporating
reproductive health into national strategies and programs.
3.8 Providing universal health coverage (UHC), including protection against
financial hardship, access to essential quality health services, and access to
safe, efficient, and accessible emergency health services, and vaccinations for
3.9 Significantly reducing the number of deaths and diseases resulting from
dangerous chemicals, air, water, and soil pollution.
A.3 Reinforcing tobacco control vis-a-vis the WHO Framework Convention in all
countries, as required.
B.3 Endorsing research and development, and medication for infectious diseases
and non-communicable diseases which largely influence developing counties,
providing access to affordable essential medical care and inoculations.
B.3 Significantly increasing finance for health services and the mobilization,
development, training and maintenance of a health system workforce in
developing countries.
C.3 Reinforcing the capacity of all countries, especially developing countries,
to provide early warning, reduced risks, and risk management of national and
global health risks.
Good Health & Human Wellbeing / P. 15