Page 20 - Sustainable Development Goals_ EN booklet 2022
P. 20
\ What’s happening in the world…?
Did you know that…?
• There are today 124 million children who fall outside the school system –
most of them in Africa.
• According to UNESCO data, countries which have the highest number of
years of compulsory schooling are located in South America; this number
includes 13 – 14 years of schooling.
• In developed Western countries the number of required schooling years is
10 – 12.
• In contrast, on the African continent and in several South Asian countries –
the required number of school years of is 5 – 9.
• Nonetheless, at the moment 103 million young people are still illiterate – over
60% are women.
Links to exceptional enrichment endeavors around the world:
Kakenya Ntaiya, a young Massai girl who ‘demanded school’
Shabana Basuj-Rasikh, Dare to educate Afghan girls
The story of Malala Yousafzai, Nobel Peace Prize Winner 2014
Quality Education / P. 20