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P. 14
Fruit Fasting
Last would be Fruit Fasting. I recommend fruit fasting first to
those who have never gone a day or two without eating solid
foods. The reason being is because it’s more tolerable to deal with
because you can still eat “fruit” and drink water while receiving
great benefits. Fruits are full of fiber and help push undigested
rotten foods out of the colon. As my mentor Damien said,
weight= waste. So, the more waste you get out of your body the
more weight you will lose. Fruit fasting is great because you are
still cleansing your body of toxins with the world’s most powerful
foods on earth. Straight from the earth Mother Nature. Fruit
fasting is great because fruits are packed with minerals, nutrients,
antioxidants, zinc, vitamins, micronutrients, etc. And if you were
to ask yourself how often do you eat fruit, the answer may be
not often, that’s why fruit fasting can be really beneficial to one,
especially those who don’t eat fruit often because they are missing
out on a lot of the nutrients the body thrives for and needs.