Page 8 - Fasting Will Change You_interior-v3.indd
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not. Because we have been eating out of routine and snacking
all our life unconsciously. Then we look back years ago, and ask
“How did I get here?” and try to blame it on having kids (lol, don’t
beat me up. I’m just the messenger). Back on topic, that’s why I
recommend fasting because if you do it right, you will recognize
the difference between actually being hungry or just eating out of
habit and routine.
Personally, I consume 1 to 2 solid meals a day. I know what
you’re thinking, Oh he’s insane, I could never do that. It’s all in the
mental stick with me. Everything I do in life is about numbers and
ratios. For example, the average person has one bowel movement
a day if that. So if you eat 3 meals a day and only have one bowel
movement a day, that equals 21 meals in a week, and 7 bowel
movements a week = 14 meals being left undigested inside of you.
To me, those numbers do not add up, so something must change.
That’s why when you go to the bathroom after someone, it smells
like someone died because they have so much undigested food
within their colon or “gut” that hasn’t had a chance to come out
yet. People think it’s funny, but it’s not because it’s problematic
and all illnesses start in the colon over time. Also, the GI tract,
also known as “gastrointestinal,” is where the body produces 70%
of its serotonin. Serotonin plays a role in mood balance. Low