Page 32 - Microsoft Word - 2020.06.25 JPLI Team Member Playbook.docx
P. 32
The global outbreak of COVID‐19 has changed the way we all conduct ourselves both personally
and professionally. In an effort to protect JPLI Team Members and Customers, as well as to ensure
that we are operating in compliance with government regulations, JPLI team members are
required to abide by this policy.
1) Office Entry
Team members are not permitted to enter the office in any of the following situations:
If you are sick. STAY HOME! Period. (You have the option to take a sick day or work
If you have travelled internationally within 14 days.
If you have been exposed to someone with COVID‐19.
If you display symptoms of COVID‐19.
2) Physical Distancing
Team members are required to adhere to physical distancing guidelines of at least 6 feet when
interacting with other Colleagues, Customers, Vendors or other people.
Internal Meetings to be attended virtually if physical distancing cannot be maintained.
2 Person Maximum: Kitchen, small boardrooms, personal offices and any other small
Avoid shaking hands or physical contact.
Wear a non‐medical face mask if distancing is not possible.
3) Use of Personal Protective Equipment
Personal Protective Equipment (“PPE”) can help prevent potential exposure to infectious disease
and will be provided at each of our branches. JPLI Team Members and office visitors should use
PPE as follows:
Non‐Medical Face Masks – To be used whenever physical distancing is not possible. (i.e. In
a meeting room or office, when travelling inside a vehicle – anytime distancing is not