Page 49 - phytochemistry general program
P. 49
Raw opium has a characteristic odour and a blackish brown colour. It .1
consists of masses of various sizes, which tend to be soft, shiny and after
drying, become hard and brittle. .2
The exuded latex is dried by spontaneous evaporation or by artificial heat,
and is manipulated to form cakes of uniform composition.
Variously shaped according to the country of origin and known in commerce
as Turkish, Indian or European opium
Opium alkaloids usually occur naturally combined with specific acid of opium
called meconic acid
Meconic acid is a peculiarity of opium (occurs only in opium), therefore its
detection, even in small amount, is considered as an irrefutable legal evidence that
indicates the presence of opium.
Test for opium = (Test for meconic acid)
To 1.0 gm of powdered opium, add 5 ml water, shake for 5 min. and filter.
To the filterate add FeCl3 solution. A red colour develops which does not
disappear on addition of dil HCl.
This test has been used as a rapid and reasonably specific test for opium.
Opium contains about 40 alkaloids, these alkaloids can be divided into the
following 3 main chemical classes:
1- Benzylisoquinoline group, including papaverine, and noscapine (narcotine).