Page 210 - Phytochemistry 2 (06-PG 605)
P. 210

However, the most common toxic effects is the
impairment of male andfemale reproduction

    1- a daily gossypol pill provided reliable male

     contraception that did not affect their hormonal balance

    2- treat uterine fibroids ,endometriosis, and uterine

     bleeding inwomen (China, since 1970)

3- treatment for parasitic and amoebic disorders

gossypol and its derivatives showed in vitro action against
some viruses such HIV and H5N1 influenza virus and
several bacteria and yeasts

Clinical trials
Gossypol is a promising agent for treatment of leukemia,
lymphoma, colon carcinoma, breast cancer, prostate cancer
and other malignancies.

The antitumor effects included inhibition of cytoplasmicand
mitochondrial enzymes involved in energy production.

Gossypol was also shown to inhibit DNA polymerase and
topoisomerase II, and to block DNA synthesis G1/S checkpoint
after 24 h of incubation.
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