Page 134 - Applied Pharmacognosy
P. 134

Mobile Phase Selection

How to adjust the Mobile phase Strength?

❑ Mobile Phase Strength is adjusted by changing:
     ➢ Type of Modifier (MeOH, ACN).
     ➢ Solvent Strength (% modifier), has a greater

   influence on separation.
➢ pH if buffer is used (falls within the

recommended pH limits for the used column.)

➢ Type of Buffer (phosphate, acetate).

➢ Ionic Strength (Salts, buffer concentration).

➢ Ion-Pairing  Reagents  (alkylamines,


❑ Ensure that the ionizable functional group is in a

single form. E.g. Reduce peak tailing for basic

compounds by masking the silanols.                    133
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