P. 146

Chart 5-9: GUARD GROUND POSITION TECHNIQUES **May only be used while laying on one’s back.
                                                                                                   Ki           Exp. Points
                                                                                                 Energy   to Purchase
           TECHNIQUES              DESCRIPTION                         EFFECTS
                                                                                                 To Use   Technique
            Bottom (Full)     A lying down position con-   +1 to Control roll; and +1 to Reac-
                              trolling opponents both legs  tion roll                              2         17

                                                           Prerequisite: Any Throw
            Bottom (Half)     A lying down position con-   +1 to Control roll; and +1 to Coun-
                                  trolling one leg of a target.   ter Attack                       3         17
                                                           Prerequisite: Bottom Full Guard
              Reversal        A technique that switches    +2 for rolls to reverse or break
                                  ground positions from be-  Ground Grapple Positions
               (Recharge)                                                                          4         22
                              ing on the top to the bottom  Prerequisite: Break Grip and Top
                              or the bottom to top.        Mount

         Chart 5-10: FALLING TECHNIQUES  **Used to lessen damage from falls and takedowns
                                                                                                    Ki    Exp. Points
          TECHNIQUES              DESCRIPTION                           EFFECTS                    Energy  to Purchase
                                                                                                   to Use   Technique
             Break Fall     A backward fall that nullifies  User receives -2 to takedown damage
                            some takedown and falling      Prerequisite: N/A                         2        10

               (Recharge)   damage.
             Side Fall      A fall to the left or right that   User receives -2 to takedown damage
                            nullifies some takedown and    Prerequisite: N/A                         2        10

               (Recharge)   falling damage.
             Parry Roll     A roll to the left or right that   User receives -1D6 to takedown dam-
   C                        nullifies takedown and falling  age; +1 to Defensive Roll or +1 to
   h                                                                                                 4        20
   a                        damage and positions one for  next Control Roll
   t          (Recharge)    counter-attack.                Prerequisite: Break and Side Fall

          TECHNIQUES            DESCRIPTION                            Effects                     Ki     Exp. Points
                                                                                                 Energy     to Purchase
                                                                                                 to Use    Technique
            Single Foot     A defensive movement       +1 to Control Roll; 1D6 Odds & Even
                            attacking the planted foot  Roll for takedown                          2         20
                                 of an attacker.       Prerequisite: Downward Roundhouse
            Double Foot     A defensive movement       +2 to Control Roll;  1D6 Odds & Even
                            attacking both planted     Roll for takedown                           4         40
                               feet of an attacker.    Prerequisite: Downward Roundhouse
             Single Leg     A defensive movement       +2 to Control Roll; 1D6 Odds & Even
                            attacking the front leg of   Roll for takedown                         2         35

              (Recharge)    an attacker.               Prerequisite: Downward Roundhouse
            Double Leg      A defensive movement       +2 to Control Roll; 1D6 Odds & Even
                            attacking both legs of an   Roll for takedown (6= Odd)                 5         45

              (Recharge)    attacker.                  Prerequisite: Downward Roundhouse

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