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1. Richard Leakey, The Origin of Humankind (Science Masters Documentary Film, TRT.
Series), New York: BasicBooks, 1994, S. 12. 23. Bilim ve Teknik (“Science and Technology” Magazine),
2. L.S.B. Leakey, Adam's Ancestors: The Evolution of Man and His September 2000.
Culture, New York and Evanston: Harper & Row, Publishers, 4th 24. Philip Cohen, “Open Wide,” New Scientist, Ausgabe 2286, 14.
Ed., 1960, S. 9-10. April 2001, S. 19.
3. Abram Kardiner, Auszug von “Posthumous Essays by 25. Glynn Isaac, Barbara Isaac, The Archaeology of Human Origins,
Branislau Malinowski,” in Scientific American, Juni 1918, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989, S. 71; C.B.M.
S. 58. McBurney, The Haua Fteah (Cyrenaica), Cambridge: Cambridge
4. Melville Herskovits, Man and His Works, New York: University Press, 1967, S. 90.
Knopf, 1950, S. 467. 26. Vadim N. Stpanchuk, “Prolom II, A Middle Palaeolithic Cave
5. Ibid., S. 476. Site in the Eastern Crimea with Non-Utilitarian Bone Artefacts,”
6. Edward Augustus Freeman, “Race and Language,” in Essays, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 59, 1993, S. 17-37, S. 33-34.
English and American, with introductions notes and illustrations, 27. Paul Mellars, The Neanderthal Legacy, Princeton: University
New York: S. F. Collier & Son, [c1910] Harvard classics; Nr. XXVI- Press, 1996, S. 17; Vadim N. Stpanchuk, “Prolom II, A Middle
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7. Ahmad Thomson, Making History, London: Ta-Ha Publishers Bone Artefacts,” Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 59, 1993, S.
Ltd., 1997, S. 4. 17-37, S. 17.
8. Zach Zorich, “Did Homo erectus Coddle His Grandparents?,” 28. “Neandertals Lived Harmoniously,” The AAAS Science News
Discover, Vol. 27, Nr. 01, Januar 2006, S. 67. Service, 3. April 1997.
9. Roger Lewin, The Origin of Modern Humans, New York: W. H. 29. Ruth Henke, “Aufrecht aus den Baumen,” Focus, Band 39,
Freeman and Company, 1993, S. 116. 1996, S. 178.
10. Claire Imber, “Ape-Man: Origin of Sophistication,” BBC 30. Elaine Morgan, The Scars of Evolution, New York: Oxford
News, 22. Februar 2000, online at University Press, 1994, S. 5. 31. Chi, April 2005, S. 46.
11. Lewin, The Origin of Modern Humans, S. 148-149. 32. Michael Baigent, Ancient Traces: Mysteries in Ancient and Early
12. Ibid., S. 149. History, England: Penguin Books, 1999, S. 10-11.
13. Dr. David Whitehouse, “‘Oldest' Prehistoric Art Unearthed,” 33. David Brewster, “Queries and Statements Concerning a Nail
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14. Jean Clottes, “Chauvet Cave: France's Magical Ice Age Art,” the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1844, S.
National Geographic, August 2001, S. 156. 51.
15. Dr. David Whitehouse, “Ice Age Star Map 34. Baigent, Ancient Traces, S. 14.
Discovered,” BBC News, 9. August 2000, online at 35. John Baines, Jaromir Malek, Eski Mısır Medeniyeti, Istanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 1986, Introduction.
16. 36. William Howells, Getting Here: The Story of Human Evolution,
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17. Fenomen, 15 September 1997, S. 45. 37.
18. Robin Dennell, “The World's Oldest Spears,” Nature, Band 38. Rudyard Kipling, The Elephant's Child, Just So Stories, 1902;
385, 27. Februar 1997, S. 767.
19. Ibid. 39. Stephen Jay Gould, “Introduction,” in Björn Kurtén, Dance of
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21. Hartmut Thieme, “Lower Palaeolithic Hunting Spears from S. xvii-xviii.
Germany,” Nature, Band 385, 27. Februar 1997, S. 807. 40. Stephen Jay Gould, “The Return of Hopeful Monsters,” in The
22. Tas Devrinde Yasam (“Life in the Stone Age”), Terra X Panda's Thumb: More Reflections in Natural History, [1980],
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