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Harun Yahya

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             43. Moustafa Gadalla,  Historical Deception: The Untold Story of
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             Tehuti Research Foundation, 2000, S. 64.                      74. Stephen H. Langdon, The Scotsman, 18 November 1936.
             52.              75. H. Frankfort,  Third Preliminary Report on Excavations at Tell
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             Inc., 1999, S. 5.                                             81. Review of Irene Rosenzweig's Ritual and Cults of Pre-Roman
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             Naturalism in Science, Law & Education, Downers Grove, Illinois:  Archaeology, Band 43, Nr. 1, Januar-März 1939, S. 170, 171.
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             63. Temel Britannica, Vol. 16, Ana Yayıncılık, Istanbul: June 1993, S.  Dezember 2000.
             64. Georges Contenau, Everday Life in Babylon and Assyria, London:
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