Page 19 - HRD
P. 19

13.2.2  The Driver must make sure that the Truck is clean before he turns it over to the next
                                 shift. Clearance and Hazard lights must be checked if working. Brakes, oils, radiator
                                 water, and so on should be fully inspected and must report ANY FAULTS found to
                                 the IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR or FMS, in case no supervisor is around.
                          13.2.3  The Driver is to be the Safety Man, doing the ground works as traffic regulation,
                                 assistance to the team, and monitoring the Man lift operation.
                          13.2.4  Each Infra Team should comprise ONLY of 1 Driver, 1 LM and 1 Installer. FT to be
                                 included in case of commissioning or Service Calls requiring laptop usage.
                          13.2.5  Each Truck should make sure all Early Warning Device is IN PLACE AND WORKING,
                                 for Precautionary measures while at work, especially in Highways and during the

                   Sanction: Failure to carry out any of the above-mentioned tasks will result to disciplinary actions.

               14.Accounting SOP

                     14.1  Accounts Payables Processing

                          14.1.1  Original billing with original PO must be attached for processing of payment.
                          14.1.2  Issuance of checks is generated manually but updating in the ERP is a must.
                          14.1.3  Check releasing to suppliers and other third parties is scheduled every Friday.
                          14.1.4  Form 2307 is always attached to the voucher every time payment is released.
                          14.1.5  [1% for goods/items, 2% for services, 5% for rentals and 10% for professionals]
                          14.1.6  3rd party commissions

                     14.2  Staff Advances & Loan

                          14.2.1  Advances to officers and employees (AOE) are discouraged by the management.
                          14.2.2  However, it is allowed on the grounds of emergency reasons concerning immediate
                                 family members of the employees.
                          14.2.3  Advances for Travelling Expenses (ATE) are computed based on the number of days
                                 of assignment.

                     14.3  Fixed Asset Register

                          14.3.1  All  purchases  of  Fixed  Assets  such  as  computers,  furniture  and  fixtures,  etc.  is
                                 registered  with  barcodes  for  accounting  lapsing  schedules  of  depreciation  and

                     14.4  Petty Cash Fund

                          14.4.1  All  branches  and  teams  has  a  corresponding  CM  subject  for  reimbursement  and
                          14.4.2  Liquidation of expenses must be done within 2 days and Reimbursement must be
                                 done within 24 hours
                          14.4.3  No  funding  will  be  made  if  CM  is  not  properly  handled  and  balances  are  not  in
               Automation and Security Inc.
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