Page 14 - HRD
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Department for initial inspection/diagnostics. A replacement may or may not be issued
(depending on the availability) during the RMA/RTM process.
3.3.4 Prevention of Viruses, Adware or any form of malware is users’ responsibility. A fee of
PHP 2,500 will charged.
3.3.5 Corporate software and applications comes pre-installed on this machine. Removing
these applications is strictly prohibited.
3.3.6 Additional applications can be requested from the MIS Department. (requests are
evaluated before approval or rejection)
5. Safety Precaution
The employee should observe Safety Rules.
4.1 Motorcyclist
4.1.1 Wearing Helmet at all times.
4.1.2 No Driving under the influence of Alcohol **
4.1.3 Drive Safely.
4.2 Installer / Lead man / FT
4.2.1 Proper handling of tools
4.2.2 Complete Personal Protective Equipment.
4.2.3 Practice safety on site.
1 offense – Issuance of Complaint
2 offense – 1-3 days Suspension
3 offense – 7 days Suspension
4 offense – Termination **
6. Official Business (OB)
5.1 Employee must file the application at least two (2) hours before the shift to ERP.
5.2 Employee should indicate the reason for your OB application.
5.3 Employee may contact FMS for application.
5.4 Upon arrival and before departure on site, Employee should upload picture to Facebook at
work. (No picture, No approval)
5.5 Field Technician are not entitled for OB.
Sanction: Failure to apply: Employee attendance will be considered as AWOL. No pay.
7. Liquidation Expenses
6.1.1 All transaction must have Official Receipt with the exemption of Jeepney, bus and
tricycle Fare.
Automation and Security Inc.