Page 261 - demo
P. 261
Continuing on towards Oxford . . .
16.9 mi 51.7320, -1.0760 At Junction 8 take the exit from the M40 on to the A40 s/p “Oxford /
Now go to the Oxford Approach instructions below.
2: Via Windsor Castle:
Route 6 on the map.
29.6 mi 51.4890, -0.4961 At Junction 15 leave the M25 if you want to take the side trip to Windsor
Castle. Take the exit road s/p “M4 / The WEST / Reading / Slough”.
2.1 mi 51.4928, -0.5359 At Junction 5 leave the M4, taking the A4/B470 exit s/p “Colnbrook
Langley A4 / Datchet B470” .
Go through the traffic lights, pass under an overbridge and immediately after, from the r/bout, take
the 2nd exit s/p “Datchet / Eton / B470”.
2.0 mi 51.4840, -0.5784 Follow the Windsor signs into Datchet. Turn r. at the r/bout in the centre
of town. At the second flush r/bout, bear l. following signs to “Windsor / B470 / 1 1/2”.
Expert Navigator Checkpoint: The Manor Hotel will be on your left as you make that turn.
0.3 mi Turn r. on to Windsor Rd, the B470 s/p “Windsor 1 1/2”
Fancy a cruise on the Thames? Kris Cruisers are on the riverside at that turn.
1.3 mi 51.4848, -0.6080 Cross over the River Thames and you’ll shortly see Windsor Castle high
up on the left. Follow the road without any radical turns into the centre of the town. Go past the
railway station on your r., str. through the traffic lights and the River St car park is on your r.
To leave Windsor for Oxford
From the River Street Carpark, continue around to the right.
Expert Navigator Tip: Keep Browns Restaurant on your left.
You’ll then curve to the left and about 100 yards after Browns Restaurant, bear left on to Goswell
Expert Navigator Checkpoint: You should now see a “tunnel” ahead of you. It’s actually an
underpass beneath the railway line.
Go through the underpass (be careful – it’s narrow).
0.0 mi 51.4822, -0.6122 At the r/bout in front of the King Edward Shopping Centre. Take the 2nd
exit s/p “(M4) /Maidenhead (A308) / Slough (A332)”. You will follow the A308 to the M4 near
0.5 mi Follow Arthur St straight through to the r/bout at the A332. Go through the r/bout – you’ll
pass under the A332 – following signs to “Maidenhead A308”.
Expert Navigator Checkpoint: Just after leaving the r/bout there’s a BP Service station on the r.