Page 263 - demo
P. 263
5.1 mi 51.6603, -0.9131 You’ll leave the A40 just before crossing over the M40. Turn r. on to the
M40 s/p “Birmingham / Oxford / M40”.
Now go to the Oxford Approach instructions below.
Oxford Approach instructions:
From the M40, regardless of how you got here . . .
9.0 mi 51.7320, -1.0760 if you took the West Wycombe side trip, or
16.9 mi 51.7320, -1.0760 if you gave West Wycombe a miss . . .
Either way, at Junction 8 take the exit from the M40 on to the A40 s/p “Oxford / Cheltenham”.
5.7 mi 51.7626, -1.1930 Follow the A40 to Headington Roundabout. As you approach the r/bout
look for road top signs that say “BART / OXFD”. Get into the correct lane.
At the r/bout take the exit s/p “City Centre / Headington” on to London Rd.
Follow London Rd and Headington Rd into the city.
0.6 mi 51.7502, -1.2438 When you come to a large grassed r/bout with trees in the centre take the
fourth exit.
Expert navigator checkpoint: There’s a little clock-tower building on the right as you make that
You will then cross over the River Cherwell on the Magdalen (pron. Mordlin) Bridge and pass
Magdalen College on the r. That takes you on to High St.
Follow High St as it bends around to the left.
Merton St, which leads to Merton College is off to the left along here, and the Oxford Covered
Market is further along on the right.
At the end of High St you will have Carfax Tower directly in front of you.
Turn l. on to St Aldates.
You will then pass the Museum of Oxford and Christ Church College on the left.
Turn r. at the traffic lights.
Oxpens car park is a short distance along on the right.
Go through a flush r/bout and at the large r/bout further on turn r.
Expert navigator checkpoint: The Royal Oxford Hotel will be on your l. as you make that turn.
Cross over the river and the Oxford Centre carpark is on the l. just before the traffic lights.