Page 148 - KGR 2020-21 Annual Report
P. 148


               Diesel generators were the primary power source throughout the construction period. Protocols were put in place to
               reduce consumption as well as record overall usage to serve as a baseline comparison for future builds.

               Site vehicles remain the largest consumer of diesel due to the remoteness of the construction site from the currently
               operating CSU block in the south and the required daily transport of workers from Massingir. These rates are expected
               to reduce on future builds, once the northern and central CSU’s are established.

                                    55 tons      Carbon production from
                                                 20 100 litres of diesel


                                    8.5 tons     Carbon production from         TOTAL CONSUMPTION
                                                 3 120 litres of diesel
                                                                                    66.25 tons


                                                 Carbon production from
                                    2.75 tons    1 010 litres of diesel

               In July 2020, a recycling yard in Maputo was identified to process plastic, bottles, cans and papers. Waste was
               sorted and weighed on-site and transported to Maputo on empty return trip delivery vehicles.

               Adaptive ways to reuse construction waste in the local community were identified to divert waste from landfill.
               These included:

               •    Cement bags were given to the community to be used to fill with clay and use from the construction of
                    homes and boundary fences
               •    Paint cans were used by local woman to carry water or goods from market

                                                 1 790 kg    Total waste generated

                                                     54%     Total waste recycled

            C3   |   145                                                          STRICTLY PRIV ATE AND CONFIDENTIAL
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