Page 150 - KGR 2020-21 Annual Report
P. 150
Responsible extraction protocols for locally harvested natural resources were put in place to reduce the impact of
the extraction process.
Material Plaster Sand River Sand 19 mm Crushed Clay Bricks Recycled Iron
Stone Wood
Location Massingir Massingir Massingir Moamba Xai Xai
Kms from site 45 45 65 330 600
Extraction Method Hand excavated Hand excavated Excavator and Excavator and Recycling
from the from middle of crusher baked to final
riverbanks river product
Environmental Public quarry, Public quarry, Blasting out Digging out of None
Concerns digging of holes digging out of of rock bed in clay soil
before riverbed dry riverbank mountain
Surrounding Area Mostly Mostly Mostly Mostly Mostly
Impact undisturbed. undisturbed. undisturbed. undisturbed. undisturbed area
Small brush and Small brush and Site clearing for Site clearing for
trees on the trees on the access access
bank were cut for bank were cut for
access access
Access Road Only used when Only used when Existing road Existing road Existing road
dry - existing dry - existing
road road
Community Community Community Community Community Community
Acceptance acceptance, local acceptance, local acceptance, local compensated acceptance, local
labour overseen labour overseen labour overseen labour overseen
by an outside by an outside by an outside by an outside
supplier supplier supplier supplier
Logistics Sand is hand Sand is hand Stone is crushed Clay is After recycling the
excavated; excavated; and stockpiled; excavated; wood is taken to
kept in piles; kept in piles; collected and kept in piles; mill for processing
collected and collected and taken to site collected and then taken to site
taken to site taken to site taken to the off-
site location for
Rehabilitation Public quarry. Public quarry. Public quarry. Supplier The area
Consulting to Consulting to Consulting to has his own is naturally
define effective define effective define effective rehabilitation rehabilitated
options to options to options to measures
support the support the support the
implementation implementation implementation
of rehabilitation of rehabilitation of rehabilitation