Page 33 - News Letter
P. 33


        “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing…” and the young learners of Cambridge are realizing
        the essence of those words of Helen Keller. Fresh from the checkpoint assessments, the grade 6
        learners have wasted no time to take their adventure tale to the next level as they began their
        journey of lower secondary with adventure stories.
        LO: Describe gravity as a force of attraction between any two objects and describe how the size
        of the force is related to the masses of the objects.
        The students of grade 6 differentiated between mass and weight and performed simple online
        simulation to enrich their knowledge. They tried out worksheets on the same.

        LO: Convert fraction to decimal and percentages.
        The learners practiced converting fractions to decimal and to percentages. They mastered their
        skills by solving problems in daily life situations on the above concepts.
        Learners have created digital posters for Yoga day.
        Also, learners could describe the generations of computer and the technology used.
        LO: Classification of time periods.
        Know the dates in history.
        Determine the different sources of history.
        Introduction to studying the past was done with the help of a PPT and quizzes were conducted to
        check their understanding.
        LO: How to greet in French.
        Students are able to do a few greetings and start small conversations.

        Students are able to identify some objects to be used with indefinite articles.
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